Paper Title / Journal
Publication / Date
Enhancing Document Security with Computer Generated Hologram Encryption: Comprehensive Solution for Mobile Verification and Offline Decryption
Holographic reconstruction of 360° nadar’s revolving self portrait
Philippe Gentet; -
International Journal 2023
Exploring angle-dependent image sharpness in reconstructed augmented reality image with holographic waveguide display
Leehwan Hwang; Taegkeun Whangbo; CheongGhil Kim; Seunghyun Lee
International Journal 2023
How to make CHIMERA hologram with unreal engine
Jinwon Choi; Matteo Coffin; Philippe Gentet; Seunghyun Lee
International Journal 2023
Practical design for holographic head-mounted display system using holographic printing technology
L. H. Hwang; K. P. Hong; J. W. Choi; S. H. Lee
SCI 2023
'The influence of ocular visual function on watching digital hologram: focused on accommodative response and blink rate'
Jungho Kim; Yujung Lee; Soonchul Kwon; Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2023
Comparative study of IoT sensor protocol of holographic AR glasses
Sukjun Hong; Heejun Youn; Seunghyun Lee; Cheongghil Kim; Soonchul Kwon
International Journal 2023
'A study on cloud remote rendering method for visualizing volume data of holographic AR glasses'
Gyubeom Lim; Seunghyun Lee; Gitaek Hur; Soonchul Kwon
International Journal 2023
Recording of Full-Color Snapshot Digital Holographic Portraits Using Neural Network Image Interpolation
Philippe Gentet; Matteo Coffin; Yves Gentet; Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2023
Study on Eliminating Delay and Noise in On-Site Audio Center of Anchor Technology
SCI 2023
Development of holographic printed HOE recording technology with VHG-based FOV analysis for waveguide-type NED system
Leehwan Hwang; Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2023
A Study on the Super Resolution Combining Spatial Attention and Channel Attention
Dongwoo Lee; Kyeongseok Jang; Soo Young Cho; Seunghyun Lee; Kwangchul Son
SCI 2023
Implementation of filters for digital holographic portraits by neural network
Philippe Gentet; Matteo Coffin; Jiyoun lee; Soonchul Kwon; Seunghyun Lee
International Journal 2022
A study on Utilization Status and Recognition of Virtual Experiment Content for Online Metaverse Revitalization of Education
Jungho Kim; Yujung Lee; Soonchul Kwon; Seunghyun Lee
International Journal 2022
Implementation of Assesement Application for Pressure Ulcer Stages
Jaeseung Kim; Soonchul Kwon; Shenghyun Lee; Changsik Pak; Hyunsuk Suh; and Joonpio Hong
International Journal 2022
Performance Comparison Evaluation of Cloud Rendering and Model-Based Method
Gyubeom Lim; Sukjun Hong; Youngseo Baik; Junyoung Park; Seyun Choi ; Woosung Shim; Jisang Yoo; Seunghyun Lee; Soonchul Kwon
International Journal 2022
Holostereosynthesis: An Improvement to Louis Lumière’s Photostereosynthesis Technique
Philippe Gentet;Yves Gentet;Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2022
True holographic ghost illusion
SCI 2022
Change in Blink Rate in the Metaverse VR HMD and AR Glasses Environment
Jungho Kim;Leehwan Hwang;Soonchul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2022
Uniformity improvement of a reconstructed-holographic image in a near-eye display system using off-axis HOE
SCI 2022
Verification of Polarization Matching on the Hologram Recording Plane for the Implementation of an Optimized Digital Hologram Printing System
Leehwan Hwang;Jongho Jeong;Cheolyoung Go;Philippe Gentet;Jungho Kim;Soonchul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2022
Implementation of Kiosk-Type System Based on Gaze Tracking for Objective Visual Function Examination
Jungho Kim;Youngkeun Lee;Seunghyun Lee;Seunghun Kim;Soonchul Kwon
SCI 2022
Modified YOLOv4S based on Deep learning with Feature Fusion and Spatial Attention
A study on the effect of introducing EBS AR production system on content
Web Server based Hologram Image Production Pipeline System Implementation
Real-Time Earlobe Detection System on the Web
An Analysis of effect on the Quality of Service Components of Multiplex Cinema in Korea
Performance Evaluation of Ground AR Anchor with WebXR Device API
A Study on the Performance Comparison of Neural Network for
Metal Detection Based on MI Sensor
Neural Network for Metal Detection Based on Magnetic Impedance Sensor
A Novel Preprocessing Method for Dynamic Point-Cloud Compression
노인 SNS 활용 능력 증진을 위한 효과성에 관한 연구 - 동년배 멘토 활용을 중 심으로 -
Precision comparison of 3D photogrammetry scans according to the number
and resolution of images
A Study on Augmented 3D Display Optimization Based on Holographic Optical Element for High Depth and Magnified Image
NRA-Net—Neg-Region Attention Network for Salient Object Detection with Gaze Tracking
Verification of the accommodative responses in viewing an on-axis analog reflection hologram
Modified YOLOv4S based on Deep learning with Feature Fusion and Spatial Attention
A study on the effect of introducing EBS AR production system on content
Web Server based Hologram Image Production Pipeline System Implementation
Real-Time Earlobe Detection System on the Web
An Analysis of effect on the Quality of Service Components of Multiplex Cinema in Korea
Performance Evaluation of Ground AR Anchor with WebXR Device API
A Study on the Performance Comparison of Neural Network for
Metal Detection Based on MI Sensor
Neural Network for Metal Detection Based on Magnetic Impedance Sensor
A Novel Preprocessing Method for Dynamic Point-Cloud Compression
노인 SNS 활용 능력 증진을 위한 효과성에 관한 연구 - 동년배 멘토 활용을 중 심으로 -
Precision comparison of 3D photogrammetry scans according to the number
and resolution of images
A Study on Augmented 3D Display Optimization Based on Holographic Optical Element for High Depth and Magnified Image
NRA-Net—Neg-Region Attention Network for Salient Object Detection with Gaze Tracking
Verification of the accommodative responses in viewing an on-axis analog reflection hologram
Accommodation measurements of a holographic HUD using auto-refractor
Hwang; Leehwan;Ha; Sungjae;Lee; Jaehyun;Gentet; Philippe;Kwon; Soonchul
International Journal 2021
A Study of Humanoid Simulating Motion to Obtain EMG Signal from Leg Amputee
Woosung Shim;Munyong Lee;Seunghyun Lee;Soonchul Kwon
International Journal 2021
A Study on the Implementation Method of AR Hologram Display Using Holographic Optical Element for Performance and Exhibition Utilization
Yongjung Kim;Leehwan Hwang;Jungho Kim;Sungjae Ha;Soonchul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
International Journal 2021
Jahanzeb Hafeez;Junyung Park;Soonchul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
International Journal 2021
JongHo Jeong;JiYoun Lee;Eung-Jo Kim;SungJae Ha;Soon Chul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
International Journal 2021
A Study on Augmented 3D Display Optimization Based on Holographic Optical Element for High Depth and Magnified Image
Sungjae Ha ;Leehwan Hwang;Jaehyun Lee;Philippe Gentet;Soonchul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2021
Verification of the accommodative responses in viewing an on-axis analog reflection hologram
Seunghyun Lee;Philippe Gentet;Jungho Kim;Sungjae Ha;Soonchul Kwon;
SCI 2021
A Study on Optimum Conditions for Compositing of
Hologram and Real Image
A Novel Real-Time Virtual 3D Object Composition Method for 360◦ Video
Simply structured full-color holographic three-dimensional display using angular-compensating holographic optical element
Recording Ultra-Realistic Full-Color Analog Holograms for Use in a Moving Hologram Display
A Study on Optimum Conditions for Compositing of
Hologram and Real Image
A Novel Real-Time Virtual 3D Object Composition Method for 360◦ Video
Simply structured full-color holographic three-dimensional display using angular-compensating holographic optical element
Recording Ultra-Realistic Full-Color Analog Holograms for Use in a Moving Hologram Display
A Novel Real-Time Virtual 3D Object Composition Method for 360◦ Video
Jaehyun Lee;Sungjae Ha;Philippe Gentet;Leehwan Hwang;Soonchul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2020
A Feasibility Study on the Lifelong Education Program of Holography Using Simple Hologram Making Tools
Mi-Soo Park;Yoon-Hee Choi;Sung-Jae Ha;Philippe Gentet;Jae-Hyun Lee;Lee-Hwan Hwang;Soon-Chul Kwon;Seung-Hyun Lee
KCI 2020
Evaluating Feature Extraction Methods with Synthetic Noise Patterns for Image-Based Modelling of Texture-Less Objects
Jahanzeb Hafeez;Jaehyun Lee;Soonchul Kwon;Sungjae Ha;Gitaek Hur;Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2020
Verification of an Accommodative Response for Depth Measurement of Floating Hologram Using a Holographic Optical Element
Leehwan Hwang;Sungjae Ha;Philippe Gentet;Jaehyun Lee;Soonchul Kwon;Seunghyun Lee
SCI 2020
VR/AR head-mounted display system based measurement and evaluation of dynamic visual acuity
Evaluation of the realism of a full-color reflection H2 analog hologram recorded on ultra-fine-grain silver-halide material
The Zerotrope; a Dynamic Holographic Display: Design and Implementation
Performance Comparison of 3D File Formats on a Mobile Web Browser
Comparative Study of Electroencephalogram Based on Virtual Reality Experience
A Study on Compression of 3D Model Data and Optimization of Website
Fantatrope; a moving hologram display: design and implementation
Non-glasses Stereoscopic 3D Floating Hologram System using Polarization Technique
A Study on the Performance Comparison of 3D File Formats on the Web
The Effect of CT Scan Parameters on the Measurement of CT Radiomic Features: A Lung Nodule Phantom Study
VR/AR head-mounted display system based measurement and evaluation of dynamic visual acuity
Evaluation of the realism of a full-color reflection H2 analog hologram recorded on ultra-fine-grain silver-halide material
The Zerotrope; a Dynamic Holographic Display: Design and Implementation
Performance Comparison of 3D File Formats on a Mobile Web Browser
Comparative Study of Electroencephalogram Based on Virtual Reality Experience
A Study on Compression of 3D Model Data and Optimization of Website
Fantatrope; a moving hologram display: design and implementation
Non-glasses Stereoscopic 3D Floating Hologram System using Polarization Technique
A Study on the Performance Comparison of 3D File Formats on the Web
The Effect of CT Scan Parameters on the Measurement of CT Radiomic Features: A Lung Nodule Phantom Study
Implementation of a Novel Audio Network Protocol
The effect of patterns on image-based modelling of texture-less objects
Assessment of dynamic visual acuity on VR HMD system: Focused on exerciser and non-exerciser
Implementation of a Novel Audio Network Protocol
The effect of patterns on image-based modelling of texture-less objects
Assessment of dynamic visual acuity on VR HMD system: Focused on exerciser and non-exerciser
특허 분석을 통한 국내 3D 융합 산업 연구
A Study on Correlation among Viewers by Medium based on KBS PIE-TV Index
A Study on Virtual Studio Application using Microsoft Hololens
A Study on the Quality of Photometric Scanning Under Variable Illumination Conditions
A Study on Optimized Mapping Environment for Real-time Spatial Mapping of HoloLens
Implementation of dynamic visual acuity testing system using optical see through head mounted display
A Study on SNS Applications in Broadcasting Based on Analysis on KBS’ Reaches on Facebook
Implementation of On-site Audio Center based on AoIP
System Integration for the Operation of Unmanned Audio Center based on AoIP
Preoperative 3-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Uterine Myoma and Endometrium Before Myomectomy (vol 24; pg 309; 2017)
Computer-aided detection of brain metastasis on 3D MR imaging: Observer performance study
참여형 SNS 마케팅과 TV시청률 상관관계 연구 - KBS브라질월드컵 중계방송 중심으로
Workflow Evaluation for Optimized Image-Based 3D Model Reconstruction
Image Based 3D Reconstruction of Texture-less Objects for VR Contents
실버 할라이드 감광유제를 이용한 칼라 홀로그래피 제작 기술
HMD 기반의 VR 텍스트 정보 구현을 위한 휴먼 팩터 연구
특허 분석을 통한 국내 3D 융합 산업 연구
A Study on Correlation among Viewers by Medium based on KBS PIE-TV Index
A Study on Virtual Studio Application using Microsoft Hololens
A Study on the Quality of Photometric Scanning Under Variable Illumination Conditions
A Study on Optimized Mapping Environment for Real-time Spatial Mapping of HoloLens
Implementation of dynamic visual acuity testing system using optical see through head mounted display
A Study on SNS Applications in Broadcasting Based on Analysis on KBS’ Reaches on Facebook
Implementation of On-site Audio Center based on AoIP
System Integration for the Operation of Unmanned Audio Center based on AoIP
Preoperative 3-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Uterine Myoma and Endometrium Before Myomectomy (vol 24; pg 309; 2017)
Computer-aided detection of brain metastasis on 3D MR imaging: Observer performance study
참여형 SNS 마케팅과 TV시청률 상관관계 연구 - KBS브라질월드컵 중계방송 중심으로
Workflow Evaluation for Optimized Image-Based 3D Model Reconstruction
Image Based 3D Reconstruction of Texture-less Objects for VR Contents
실버 할라이드 감광유제를 이용한 칼라 홀로그래피 제작 기술
HMD 기반의 VR 텍스트 정보 구현을 위한 휴먼 팩터 연구
VR HMD 에서의 비전 테라피 활용을 위한 기술 요소 연구
Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display System-based Developmental Eye Movement Test
Application of Virtual; Augmented; and Mixed Reality to Urology
플로팅 홀로그램의 스튜디오 프로그램 적용 연구
A Study on Virtual Reality Contents Application in Broadcasting: Focused on KBS 3D History Documentary
VR HMD 기반의 스테레오스코픽 깊이 값 적용 연구
VR HMD 에서의 비전 테라피 활용을 위한 기술 요소 연구
Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display System-based Developmental Eye Movement Test
Application of Virtual; Augmented; and Mixed Reality to Urology
플로팅 홀로그램의 스튜디오 프로그램 적용 연구
A Study on Virtual Reality Contents Application in Broadcasting: Focused on KBS 3D History Documentary
VR HMD 기반의 스테레오스코픽 깊이 값 적용 연구
Physicochemical Properties of Polyaniline-Ionic Liquid Mixtures and Their Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Biomedical and Clinical Importance of Mussel-Inspired Polymers and Materials
Design and Implementation of Pneumatic Motion Base for 4D Home Theater
Performance Evaluation of Color Management Systems (for UHDTV)
Diffraction Efficiency Analysis of Silver Halide Film for Color Holography Recording
3D 스캐너를 활용한 방송용 캐릭터 애니메이션 제작 연구
Interaction Studies between Newly Synthesized Photosensitive Polymer and Ionic Liquids
2/3“ 센서를 활용한 4K/UHD 카메라 활용방안 연구: HD 렌즈 활용을 중심으로
MPEG-2 기반 지상파 2HD 서비스를 위한 주사 방식별 객관적 화질 측정 및 시험방송 적용 연구
HomeDCP - Proposed Open Source Model for Home Video Using Cinema DRM
A Study on Improved Depth Information Acquisition by Gradual Pixel Bundling Method at Time Multiplexing TOF Sensor
Correlation Analysis between Occulomotor Abilities and Visual Fatigue on Watching 3D Images
A Study on Depth Information Acquisition Improved by Gradual Pixel Bundling Method at TOF Image Sensor
Proposed Open Source Model for Video Offline Distribution using Cinema DRM for Home Users
Change of Total Convergence on Visual Function Case after 3D Images
Physicochemical Properties of Polyaniline-Ionic Liquid Mixtures and Their Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Biomedical and Clinical Importance of Mussel-Inspired Polymers and Materials
Design and Implementation of Pneumatic Motion Base for 4D Home Theater
Performance Evaluation of Color Management Systems (for UHDTV)
Diffraction Efficiency Analysis of Silver Halide Film for Color Holography Recording
3D 스캐너를 활용한 방송용 캐릭터 애니메이션 제작 연구
Interaction Studies between Newly Synthesized Photosensitive Polymer and Ionic Liquids
2/3“ 센서를 활용한 4K/UHD 카메라 활용방안 연구: HD 렌즈 활용을 중심으로
MPEG-2 기반 지상파 2HD 서비스를 위한 주사 방식별 객관적 화질 측정 및 시험방송 적용 연구
HomeDCP - Proposed Open Source Model for Home Video Using Cinema DRM
A Study on Improved Depth Information Acquisition by Gradual Pixel Bundling Method at Time Multiplexing TOF Sensor
Correlation Analysis between Occulomotor Abilities and Visual Fatigue on Watching 3D Images
A Study on Depth Information Acquisition Improved by Gradual Pixel Bundling Method at TOF Image Sensor
Proposed Open Source Model for Video Offline Distribution using Cinema DRM for Home Users
Change of Total Convergence on Visual Function Case after 3D Images
The Influence on Changes of Visual Function by Watching 3D Images - Focused on Blink Rate and Accommodative Response -
Numerical reconstruction of a full parallax holographic stereogram with radial distortion
Effect of 2Dimesion and 3Dimension Images on Human Factors
Inactivation of Propionibacterium acnes and its biofilm by non-thermal plasma
4K 초고속 카메라 촬영기술의 워크플로우에 관한 연구
A Novel Approach to Inactivate the Clinical Isolates of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum by Using Non-Thermal Plasma
3D 프린팅을 활용한 보드게임 현황 분석과 서비스 모델 연구
FOLI Technique Algorithm for Real-Time Efficient Image Processing
Effect of temperature on the interactions between low bandgappolymer and ionic liquids
공간획득 장치를 이용한 3D 사진의 활용 방안 연구
The Influence on Changes of Visual Function by Watching 3D Images - Focused on Blink Rate and Accommodative Response -
Numerical reconstruction of a full parallax holographic stereogram with radial distortion
Effect of 2Dimesion and 3Dimension Images on Human Factors
Inactivation of Propionibacterium acnes and its biofilm by non-thermal plasma
4K 초고속 카메라 촬영기술의 워크플로우에 관한 연구
A Novel Approach to Inactivate the Clinical Isolates of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum by Using Non-Thermal Plasma
3D 프린팅을 활용한 보드게임 현황 분석과 서비스 모델 연구
FOLI Technique Algorithm for Real-Time Efficient Image Processing
Effect of temperature on the interactions between low bandgappolymer and ionic liquids
공간획득 장치를 이용한 3D 사진의 활용 방안 연구
지상파 듀얼 스트림 3DTV 방송을 위한 2D와 3D 서비스 Seamless 전환 송출시스템
키넥트 깊이 정보와 DSLR을 이용한 스테레오스코픽 비디오 합성
방사 왜곡을 포함하는 홀로그래픽 스테레오그램의 수학적 복원
3차원 흉부 CT에서 추체 골 전이 병변에 대한 반자동 검출 기법 및 분류 시스템 개발
Elucidating Interactions and Conductivity of Newly Synthesised Low Bandgap Polymer with Protic and Aprotic Ionic Liquids
UHDTV에서의 게임 디스플레이 환경 연구
다시점 입체 이미지의 깊이 정보 획득을 이용한 홀로그래픽 스테레오그램 구현
3차원 흉부 CT에서 형태학적 특성에 기반한 폐 결절 자동 분할 방법
UHDTV 콘텐츠 제작 환경의 변화
키넥트 깊이 정보와 DSLR을 이용한 고해상도 3D 객체 생성
지상파 듀얼 스트림 3DTV 방송을 위한 2D와 3D 서비스 Seamless 전환 송출시스템
키넥트 깊이 정보와 DSLR을 이용한 스테레오스코픽 비디오 합성
방사 왜곡을 포함하는 홀로그래픽 스테레오그램의 수학적 복원
3차원 흉부 CT에서 추체 골 전이 병변에 대한 반자동 검출 기법 및 분류 시스템 개발
Elucidating Interactions and Conductivity of Newly Synthesised Low Bandgap Polymer with Protic and Aprotic Ionic Liquids
UHDTV에서의 게임 디스플레이 환경 연구
다시점 입체 이미지의 깊이 정보 획득을 이용한 홀로그래픽 스테레오그램 구현
3차원 흉부 CT에서 형태학적 특성에 기반한 폐 결절 자동 분할 방법
UHDTV 콘텐츠 제작 환경의 변화
키넥트 깊이 정보와 DSLR을 이용한 고해상도 3D 객체 생성
병리특이적 형태분석 기법을 이용한 HRCT 영상에서의 새로운 봉와양폐 자동 분할 방법
Body Fat Assessment Method Using CT Images with Separation Mask Algorithm
달 탐사용 스테레오 카메라 제어 파라미터 분석
홀로그래픽 스테레오그램의 수학적 복원 시뮬레이션
키넥트를 활용한 의료 영상 탐색 소프트웨어에서의 사용자 인터페이스 개발
키넥트를 이용한 3차원 공간의 대화형 입출력 시스템 구현
병리특이적 형태분석 기법을 이용한 HRCT 영상에서의 새로운 봉와양폐 자동 분할 방법
Body Fat Assessment Method Using CT Images with Separation Mask Algorithm
달 탐사용 스테레오 카메라 제어 파라미터 분석
홀로그래픽 스테레오그램의 수학적 복원 시뮬레이션
키넥트를 활용한 의료 영상 탐색 소프트웨어에서의 사용자 인터페이스 개발
키넥트를 이용한 3차원 공간의 대화형 입출력 시스템 구현
3D 콘텐츠 제작 기술
가변형 패럴랙스배리어와 시점 추적을 이용한 3차원 디스플레이 시스템
3D 콘텐츠 제작 기술
가변형 패럴랙스배리어와 시점 추적을 이용한 3차원 디스플레이 시스템
Digital hologram compression technique by eliminating spatial correlations based on MCTF
3D 콘텐츠 제작 기술
3D 콘텐츠 제작 및 편집 기술
Digital hologram compression technique by eliminating spatial correlations based on MCTF
3D 콘텐츠 제작 기술
3D 콘텐츠 제작 및 편집 기술
실물에 대한 디지털 홀로그램 고속 생성
이동형 패럴랙스와 시점 추적을 이용한 3D 디스플레이 시스템
시각적 피로도에 영향을 미치는 시청거리와 깊이방향의 운동속도
패럴랙스와 렌티큘러 스크린을 이용한 3D 디스플레이
가변형 패럴랙스 배리어와 DDC통신을 이용한 시점추적형 3D 디스플레이 시스템
실물에 대한 디지털 홀로그램 고속 생성
이동형 패럴랙스와 시점 추적을 이용한 3D 디스플레이 시스템
시각적 피로도에 영향을 미치는 시청거리와 깊이방향의 운동속도
패럴랙스와 렌티큘러 스크린을 이용한 3D 디스플레이
가변형 패럴랙스 배리어와 DDC통신을 이용한 시점추적형 3D 디스플레이 시스템
3D 디스플레이 기술
가변형 패럴랙스배리어를 이용한 무안경 디스플레이 시스템
Horizontal parallax distortion in toe-in camera with wide-angle lens for mobile device
홀로그래픽 3DTV
3D 디스플레이 기술
가변형 패럴랙스배리어를 이용한 무안경 디스플레이 시스템
Horizontal parallax distortion in toe-in camera with wide-angle lens for mobile device
홀로그래픽 3DTV
패럴랙스배리어와 렌티큘러 스크린 방식의 3D 디스플레이
공간광변조 특성을 이용한 광비쥬얼 크립토그래피
Optical display of true 3D objects in depth-priority integral imaging using an active sensor
A New Coding Technique for Digital Holographic Video Using Multi-View Prediction
패럴랙스배리어와 렌티큘러 스크린 방식의 3D 디스플레이
공간광변조 특성을 이용한 광비쥬얼 크립토그래피
Optical display of true 3D objects in depth-priority integral imaging using an active sensor
A New Coding Technique for Digital Holographic Video Using Multi-View Prediction
능동형 센서의 깊이 정보를 이용한 3D 객체 생성
능동형 센서의 깊이 정보를 이용한 컴퓨터 형성 홀로그램
로우폴리곤 게임 캐릭터 모델링 및 Character Primitives 제작
능동형 센서의 깊이 정보를 이용한 3D 객체 생성
능동형 센서의 깊이 정보를 이용한 컴퓨터 형성 홀로그램
로우폴리곤 게임 캐릭터 모델링 및 Character Primitives 제작
비디오 코딩 기술을 이용한 컴퓨터 형성 홀로그램 압축
하이브리드 비디오 코딩에 의한 디지털 홀로그램 압축기술
An efficient wavelet-based motion estimation algorithm
비디오 코딩 기술을 이용한 컴퓨터 형성 홀로그램 압축
하이브리드 비디오 코딩에 의한 디지털 홀로그램 압축기술
An efficient wavelet-based motion estimation algorithm
광비쥬얼 크립토그래피를 이용한 지문인식
광비쥬얼 크립토그래피를 이용한 지문인식
2D 스캐닝을 이용한 홀로그래픽 3D 디스플레이 시스템
BPEJTC를 이용한 광 비쥬얼 크립토그래피
2D 스캐닝을 이용한 홀로그래픽 3D 디스플레이 시스템
BPEJTC를 이용한 광 비쥬얼 크립토그래피
비쥬얼 크립토그래피의 광학적 구현
스테레오 비젼 시스템에서 3차원 정보와 광상관기를 이용한 3차원 물체추적 방법
비쥬얼 크립토그래피의 광학적 구현
스테레오 비젼 시스템에서 3차원 정보와 광상관기를 이용한 3차원 물체추적 방법
체적 홀로그램을 이용한 무안경 다안식 3D 디스플레이 시스템
체적 홀로그램을 이용한 무안경 다안식 3D 디스플레이 시스템
체적 홀로그래피 메모리를 이용한 다시점 스테레오스코픽 디스플레이
Data Reduction for Holographic Data Transmission
An Autostereoscopic 3D Display System Based on Volume Hologram(Inited Paper)
체적 홀로그래픽 메모리를 이용한 스테레오스코픽 동영상 디스플레이 시스템
체적 홀로그래피 메모리를 이용한 다시점 스테레오스코픽 디스플레이
Data Reduction for Holographic Data Transmission
An Autostereoscopic 3D Display System Based on Volume Hologram(Inited Paper)
체적 홀로그래픽 메모리를 이용한 스테레오스코픽 동영상 디스플레이 시스템